Senpai’s Soundtrack: Songs For The Summer

Now that the weather has finally started to brighten up in dreary ol’ England, I thought it was high-time to update my playlist with a few summer songs; and what better than to fill it than with some incredible Japanese tunes that were released this year?

Though I am more inclined to listen to the cuter side of J-pop – and there’s nothing wrong with that! – I have found a nice variety of tracks to keep me going this early Summer. From upbeat, adorable tracks to more heated tunes, this playlist is filled with the tunes that define ‘Summer’ for me.

Whether you find a song to uplift your spirits or drag you into the heat of an on-coming summer, I hope that you can also find something to enjoy here in my Senpai Soundtrack. Are you ready to tune in and give these songs a go?

Budo Candy by Chitose Saki (Released 27.05.2024)

Kick-starting this list is the song that made me think ‘Summer is finally here’. With a bright, airy tune accompanied by Saki’s incredible vocals, Budo Candy is both cool and sweet in tone and a perfect starting point for Chitose Saki the artist as she begins to step away from her DOUBLEAND persona.

Budo Candy has been on repeat more than once in my personal playlist for the summer, and for good reason; with its easy-going sound, Budo Candy is the type of track that will always help me to relax. Whether it accompanies me on a walk or a bike ride, this is the song that will bring positive thoughts and remind me of the oncoming days filled with warmth and the summer sun. It’s beautiful and light and, without fail, will always make me smile.

You can stream Budo Candy on various streaming platforms, all of which can be found HERE.

Itsuka kurubeki hi no tame ni by Strawberry Girls (Released 27.05.2024)

With its cheerful and vibrant sound, Strawberry Girls bring summer to life with Itsuka kurubeki hi no tame ni. Acting as the title and opening track to their latest EP, Itsuka kurbeki hi no tame ni delivers a positive message to it listeners and encourages us to keep running towards tomorrow. It is an incredibly joyful song, one that reminds you of looking towards a bright blue sky and the possibilities it holds for our future.

This has been one of those songs that, shortly after listening to it, you can’t help but think about it again and again. This has been one of my ear worms lately ad, upon playing it again after a handful of days, I can’t help but play it on repeat. It is incredibly catchy and warm, with an uplifting sound that makes me want indulge in it more than once. Itsuka kurubeki hi no tame ni is an incredible song, one that brings a smile to face and consistently makes me want to come back to it. I love it a lot and have no shame in saying that this is currently one of my most-played songs upon discovering it on my iTunes recommended list. It’s great and, if you love idol, I am sure you will love this song, too.

You can stream Itsuka kurubeki hi no tame ni on various streaming platforms, all of which can be found HERE.

Summer Emperor by Aozora Shita de te wo Tsunagu (Released 27.05.2024)

With a promise of high energy from the moment you press start, Summer Emperor is quite possibly the most hyperactive track on this list. Bubbly and undeniably cute, this track is a wonderful surge of happiness that reminds you of long summer days spent running about and expending boundless amounts of energy beneath the beating sun.

This song is incredibly ‘idol’ in every way that matters. It’s catchy, memorable, fun and filled with the joy that only an idol can bring. It’s a wonderful track, one that makes me crave the beach and running in the sand like a kid again. I adore it and, while it might not be to everyone’s taste, I personally find Summer Emperor to be a wonderful track that is perfect for a summer filled with boundless fun and positivity.

You can stream Summer Emperor on various streaming platforms, all of which can be found HERE.

Sama Sama☆Summer Party by KINGSARI (Released 23.05.2024)

If you want high energy that packs a punch but lacks the sugary delight that comes with orthodox idols, then KINGSARI’s Sama Sama☆Summer Party is a great way to kick-off your summer playlist. With some incredible vocals and an instrumental that promises more rock than pop, Sama Sama☆Summer Party will certainly to be a treat for the ears, as well as a refreshing change of pace from previously listed tracks.

This is the kind of song that I can easily see myself chanting and dancing along to. It feels like a party and, despite my initial reservations with it – I didn’t actually like Sama Sama☆Summer Party when I first played it – I have really grown to adore this song, its energy and how loud it is. Of all the tracks listed thus far, this is definitely the heaviest, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t summery; it is. Sama Sama☆Summer Party is a song that embodies the spirit of summer thanks to how heated it feels. It’s great track and definitely worth a listen, especially if you’re as new to KINGSARI as I am.

You can stream Sama Sama☆Summer Party on various streaming platforms, all of which can be found HERE.

Brilliance of Memories by Uemura Akari (Released 15.05.2024)

Featured on Juice=Juice’s Special Edition of their most recent single – Tokyo Blur / Naimono Love / OaikoBrilliance of Memories is the graduation solo for the groups former leader and final original member, Uemura Akari. Bright and airy with an upbeat chorus, Brilliance of Memories is the perfect end to Uemuu’s time in Juice=Juice and Hello! Project, and acts as a shining send-off for the groups longest-serving member at this time.

Uplifting and bright, Brilliance of Memories has quickly become my summer walking song thanks to how vibrant and positive it is in sound. Uemuu is simply incredible here and, while she may have once struggled in her early days within Juice=Juice, it is clear just how much she has grown both as a singer and performer when you listen to Brilliant of Memories. Her voice compliments the instrumental beautifully and from beginning to end, you can hear the charm and reverence in each and every lyric. Brilliance of Memories was handled beautifully and is the perfect send-off for a hardworking and incredible idol.

You can find Brilliance of Memories on YouTube and Apple Music.

Yueni Battiri by Tsukimori Kaede (Released 24.04.2024)

After releasing a plethora of songs filled with high energy, Kaepyon brings us back to those lazy summer days in Yueni Battiri. Gentle in sound, Yueni Battiri is one of those tracks that is sure to relax Kaepyon’s listeners while also soothing their soul.

This is one of those tracks that makes me feel nostalgic for an easy summer. Whether it invokes visions of lounging by the pool or the sun beating down on your shoulders while you take a walk down a country road, Yueni Battiri is sure to remind you of a precious moment during past summer days. Light, bright, soft and warm, Kaepyon brings us into another corner of her brilliant and shining world through Yueni Battiri, and I cannot help but feel in awe of her talent to allow me as a listener to feel reminiscent of summer days gone by. Yueni Battiri is both brilliant and lovely, and it has me looking forward to the happy memories that I am sure to make in the coming months.

You can stream Yueni Battiri on various streaming platforms, all of which can be found HERE.

And with that, the Senpai’s Summer Soundtrack comes to an end. Regardless of whether my own tastes match yours or not, I hope that there was something to be enjoyed here.

Of course there are plenty of other songs being released by various idol groups, so be sure to check Spotify or Apple Music to keep yourself updated. I have barely even scratched the surface with this list and, with so many more groups, artists an songs to be discovered, I am sure that there is a song that could rival the summer heat for everyone out there. All we have to do is look.

What are your favourite tracks for summer? Whether they are new or old, please share them with us and perhaps create a playlist of your own! And if you aren’t a seasonal soundtrack kind of person, that’s okay! We all enjoy music in our own ways. For myself, though, enjoying certain tracks in certain seasons only seems to enhance the brilliance of a song, but that’s just me.

Thank you kindly for reading and I look forward to learning what music makes you think of ‘summer’.

Written and edited by Kelly

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